Jiao (Chinese: 角), or Mao, or Hou (Chinese: 毫) in Cantonese, is a unit of currency used in Greater China, including People's Republic of China (Mainland China), Republic of China (Taiwan), Hong Kong and Macao. One Jiao is equal to one-tenth of a Yuan or ten Fēn (分).
One Yuan = 10 Jiao. One Jiao = 10 Fen.
The size of this note is 115 x 52 mm.
One Yuan = 10 Jiao. One Jiao = 10 Fen.
The size of this note is 115 x 52 mm.
The 1 jiao note celebrates the diverse heritage of China's people.
Obverse: A Gaoshan and a Manchu ethnic group member at left
Reverse: Arms at center
Gift from a tea trader from China.